Meeting Conceptual Artist Christian Lorenz Scheurer
My co-worker made an interesting analogy today while driving me after work to Jawn's office. Thankfully I didn't have to take the subway today...phew! And yes, going to Jawn's office after my work also meant that he has to do OT today. I also realised that the number of times I post on the blog by myself were the number of times Jawn did OT. Oh I must also make another comment: this is the first time I saw an electronically operated seat belt in my whole life, cool! (basically with the touch of a button on the driver's side you are clicked on). It's probably not a big deal but considering the fact I have only started commuting in a car (taxis not included) on a regular basis at the age of 23, this is something revolutionary to me even though it's not a new technology.
This is my best buddy from the School of Architecture in the National University of Singapore. He is about to be married to Eunice on the 10th Dec 2005 (which incidentally happens to be exactly 3 months after Crystal and I got married). An interesting point to note is that Hsia Pin and I were the orientation leaders for the freshman orientation group named Sottsass in July of 2000 where I met Crystal. Unromantically, Crystal and I did not fall in love at first sight. But of course... you guys know the rest of the story... :) . Hsia Pin is one of the privileged few who saw my emotions develop exponentially for Crystal. I have also followed Hsia Pin and Eunice's relationship like an eager fan chasing the latest tabloids. I am so glad that my buddy is marrying the woman of his dreams pretty soon! Congratulations (soon to be) Mr. & Mrs. Hsu!
(My wife censored alot of the other things I wanted to say... she thinks I am getting too mushy for her liking... oh well... guess this is what family blog is about... mutual edification. I love Crystal... I know you are reading this... OK OK stop hitting me on the head! OUCH!)
* Akan Datang is Malay for coming soon... often used for coming attractions or before movie trailers.
I have always liked Fish... One fine day in Dec 2004 I decided to have my own Koi Fish tank. Today, only 5 of these 13 Koi are still alive. However, they have grown astronomically (ok.. just twice their orginal size). I thought that perhaps today would be good day to remember the late annoynomous pet Kois that are featured here. I know that for pet's they are not the most ...well... pet-able... still there is a serene comfort that I get watching them endlessly for hours on end. Any fish lovers out there?