Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Marriage takes three

I once thought marriage took
Just two to make a go,
But now I am convinced
It takes the Lord also.

And not one marriage fails
Where Christ is asked to enter,
As lovers come together
With Jesus at the center.

But marriage seldom thrives
And homes are incomplete,
'Til He is welcomed there
To help avoid defeat.

In homes where God is first
It's obvious to see,
Those unions really work
For marriage still takes three.


Sandy Alderman's Dad read this during Mr. and Mrs. Allan Luciano's wedding at Grace Community Church last Saturday. Needless to say... Allan and Sandy would of course remember this day... and I hope and pray that they would remember this poem too. So... just in case you guys are reading this, keep this wedding day poem close to your hearts OK?

Congratulations Allan+ Sandy Luciano!

Jawn+Crystal Lim

Friday, June 16, 2006

Mandarin Bible Study Group

Hi Everyone,

For those of you who have no idea where we spend our Sunday afternoons, it is with this bunch of avid students of the Word... in Mandarin!

Actually... I failed my Mandarin AO Levels exams TWICE before passing it the third time which allowed me entrance into University in Singapore. And to think that I am now learning Mandarin willingly is definitely from the guiding hand of God.

These folks are an encouragement to me. They are mostly from UCLA and came to MBS even though they had a paper the next day. That is dedication and discipline! WOW! Amazing!

Our marriage counsellors (Roger and Margaret Ng) are also in the picture! No... we were not having problems with our marriage. We had counsellors PRIOR to getting married (and now have them as post-marital guidance). We avoided alot of potential problem areas with their advice from God's word as well as their own personal experiences in the light of Singaporean ideological baggage.

OK! Time to end off by introducing the people in the photo.

Front Row from left, Nathan Ng, Grace Yang, Shirley Hsieh, CRYSTAL KAILIN CHEN-LIM (my beloved wife...), Priscilla Chang, Margaret Ng.

Back Row, from right (just to keep you guys alert), John Zheng, Beland Issac Huang, Jeff Hsu, Nathaniel Ng, myself... (in case you have no idea who am I, check the profile log... why r u even reading this blog if you do not know me??? Well... feel free to get to know us then! POST SOME COMMENTS! THANKS!), Nigel Ng, Roger Ng, Addison Luh, Robert Liu, Andrew Wai.


Monday, June 05, 2006

Concept Artists R Us

I know that it has been a LONG while since we posted something. I just want to introduce you guys to some of my friends in the concept design world. Please feel free to click on the links below to check out some of the stuff they have been doing.

Crystal, Jawn, Marquis de Salade, Christian and Laura, 7th Jan 2006.

This was taken at the end of the ENTROPIA exhibition at the Gallery Nucleus, in Alhambra, CA. Laura is currently finishing up her PhD in studies on inter-racial marriages in the USA. Marquis de Salade is the dude with the green hairstyle on the chair.

You can check out a previous blog I had about him on the Entropia show and how he introduced me to this world of concept design. I will remember his encouragement to pursue what I really want to do and not be afraid to do so. That was just before I left my previous company and moved to Frank Gehry's office. His phone call from London surprised and comforted me in the storm of life we call career crisis. Thank you Christian!

Once again, you can check out his work at

Next, we have SPARTH (Nicolas Bouvier) and myself, 18th Feb 2006, at the Visual Amalgam Show at the Infusion Gallery in downtown Los Angeles. It was very encouraging to hear that he grew up in Singapore for much of his teenage years. His memories of shopping on Orchard Road and buying his first handheld computer game (I think it was a tetris game). His dad was posted there for work so he and his siblings enjoyed roaming around the very safe streets of Singapore. He is now living and working in Dallas, Texas with his wife, Lorene have 2 kids Arthur 6 yrs old, and Leopold 3 yrs old. I was so excited to talk to him about Singapore and about putting his family as a priority in his life. Great encouragement!

Do check out his work as well on

Last but not least, here is Neville Page and the Lim Family at the signing of the Concept Design 2 book at the Hennessy and Ingallis book store in Santa Monica on the 3rd Jun 2006.

The poster we are holding was given out free to those who bought the book on that day. It is a picture by Nick Pugh (not in picture). Crystal and Neville were trying to point to Nev's signature but ended up aiming at Harald Belker's instead.

We had a good time chatting about why he is in the industry and how he just did his own thing and then got jobs on different films because his friends recommended his portfolio to the directors and/or producers of those films. It seems that their stint is usually a very intense 3 to 4 months and then they move on to the next job. Neville has been on what seems to be the longest job of 13 months with James Cameron.

Neville came from England and has been living in Los Angeles for many years. He works in Culver City for the and is in the same compound as Eric Owen Moss's office.

You can also check up on Nev's work at