The amazing class of 2007 graduates from SCI-Arc that came from Singapore. Front Row from left: Sern Hong Yu, M.Arch '07, Recipient of the SCI-Arc Service Award, Sylvia Bay, B.Arch '07, Recipient of Undergrad Top 3 Thesis Prize and Calvin Lim, M.Arch '07, Recipient of the Thom Mayne Scholarship and Graduate Selected Thesis Prize.
Back row from left: Chelsea Phua, visiting from the Sacramento Bee Newspaper... OK, she was just on a holiday, Jawn Lim, M.Arch'04 SCI-Arc, beloved wife, Crystal Lim, Accountant and UCLA alumni, Rachel Tay, Architect and MIT alumni, Winston Lim and fellow SCI-Arc Alumni, Sihenne Ng, B.Arch '05.